Saturday, October 30, 2010

going for a short drive to take a camper up to cairns should be a good couple of days give me time away from townsville and to myself will be the first time really that i won't be travelling with an agenda taking a lot of my art things so will see what comes of it or i might just pull up somewhere and read a book for awhile i have to drop the car off at 7am on tuesday then catch a flight home at 755am but will be a good break

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's been a few days now since i have been home and yesterday was the first day that i felt that i am sarting to settle down Thursdays are always one of my best days of the week i have bible study in the morning then art in the afternoon  and thursday night recovery church it gives me a boost for the whole week
the week i spent down in bundaberg wes great as i already said in my last post i have such a wonderful son who is turning into such a gentleman
I can't wait to be able to move to Bundaberg to be nearer to him and share in his growing up in a bit closer so I can be more involved
Mellisa is doing such a good job with him in my absence but i know at time she can do with the time out for her-self
The propects of having a fulfilling job / career is a bit daunting at times as it has been so long since i have had a passion for work but i seem to have a good balance at the moment even if i am still very sort of cash i am so very rich in other area's of my life at the moment that it almost dosn't rate with me all will be provided as required
I guess that's all for now back tomorrow

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just got back from Bundaberg

Had an awesome time with my son for his birthday only got a couple of minutes so i'll just post a couple of photo's

Monday, October 11, 2010

it's a good day
finished my last assignment till i pick more tomorrow
finished the painting i was working on and most of all
tomorrrow i go down to see Johnny
it's been a good couple of days i ran the av at church on sunday it was an interesting experience
i went to home church on saturday night was a good night it brings home to me that no matter how big i think my problems are they don't compare to what is going on in other countries ujenny is working for ywam in perth doing a documentary on the sihk's my thoughts prayers and best wishes go to her as she edit's it

Friday, October 8, 2010

Last night was my graduation from rehab it was a good night Mum was there for me. What it actually changes for me i am still trying to work through but it is the first thing i have finished in a long time.It was good to have a few other poeple there with me like wendy and john and especially bev and col i know they had to be there but i like to think they would have been anyway. What else to write at the moment is hard so i will leave it for now and maybe get back on here later tonight

Friday, October 1, 2010

I can't beleive that it's been a week and a bit since i have updated here things are going pretty good i graduate from rehab on thurs bit of a strange feeling attached with that
I went out to home church at wendy's last saturday good night i enjoy the feeling of people just getting together because they won't to with no church agenda which takes the whole meaning of worship away for me maybe it's just me but we all just won't the same thing from our higher power where we find it is all that matters not mines better than yours because everyone's power is different
i have included a link to two of my favourite songs at the moment i hope people enjoy it I get inspired by it when we sing it at church

I will write again soon